Due to the corona virus situation right now, all shows that are booked will be updated in the concerts section of this page.
Please be aware that they could possibly be cancelled at short notice, so please check with the venues before booking tickets.
In the meantime, stay safe, and I look forward to seeing you asap.
January 2022
8th (Sat) Chad Strentz & The Chad-illacs, 930pm to 130am , @ The Blues Bar Ain't Nothin' But. ..20, Kingly Street London W1B 5PZ
16th (Sun) Chad Strentz (Solo acoustic show), 4pm to 6pm, Sunday Blues at... The Harringay Arms 153, Crouch Hill London N8 9QH
February 2022
25th (Fri) Chad Strentz & The Chad-illacs, 930pm to 130am , @ The Blues Bar Ain't Nothin' But. ..20, Kingly Street London W1B 5PZ
March 2022
3rd (Thu) Chad Strentz & Michael Fridrik Trio, Reigen, Wien, Hadikgasse 62 (A)
4th (Fri) Chad Strentz & Michael Fridrik Trio, M3 Linz, Rechte Donaustraße 7 (A)
5th(Sat) Chad Strentz & Michael Fridrik Trio, Brauhaus Freistadt, (A)
3rd (Fri) Chad Strentz & Paul Lamb Duo Act @ “Music on Board the Lightship” @The Royal Northumberland Yacht Club , Blyth NE24 3PB ,Northumberland. U.K.
4th (Sat) Chad Strentz & Paul Lamb Duo Act @ Into the Fields Festival, Blyth , Northumberland
5th (Sun)Chad Strentz & Paul Lamb Duo Act @The Old Fire Station, Peter St, Carlisle CA3 8QP, U.K. (More info)
17th (Fri) Chad Strentz with Paul Lamb & The Kingsnakes @The Astor Theatre, Stanhope Road, Deal CT14 6AB, U.K. www.theastor.org
July 2022
17th (Sun) Chad Strentz & Paul Lamb Duo Act @Upton Blues Festival , Church Street, Worcester WR8 0HX , U.K. (show time 6pm)
22nd (Sat) Chad Strentz with Paul Lamb & The KIngsnakes @TheVintage Festival, Twinwood, Bedfordshire MK41 6AB ,U.K. (more info)
September 2022
15th (Thurs) Chad Strentz with Paul Lamb & The Kingsnakes @”Blues First”,Veranstaltungsforum Fürstenfeld , 82256 Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany. (more info)
17th (Sat) Chad Strentz with Paul Lamb & The Kingsnakes @ Adler Hohenstein-Meidelstetten ,Germany www.adler-meifelstetten.de
19th (Mon) Chad Strentz with Paul Lamb & The Kingsnakes @Rockhouse, 5020 Salzburg , Austria (more info)